Monday, November 10, 2014

Quiet, but Far from Inactive

It's a Monday and the new week begins, gradually getting back into a routine while still making sure I have the time to focus on the things that have been helping me get through the days lately.

I'm not making any appearances for the rest of 2014 as I get myself back in order and hopefully will be better than ever when I return in 2015.  I'm just not in the right frame of mind and it's not fair to any organizer or any reader if I'm not in a place where I can give my best effort.

There is some good news.  I have been able to start writing again, and even though I have some heavy-hearted days when I just can't do it, I have been able to get a little rhythm again, working on one novel in a genre I have never been published in and also working on some short stories.  While I haven't had the same level of output as I did before, it's a start and hopefully I'll get back there.

I did drop in this past weekend to say hi in Sheperdsville, KY for a couple hours (right outside of Louisville) at a small book fair where several of my author friends were appearing, such as Jetti NeCole, Rebekah McAuliffe, Amy McCorkle, Pam Turner, and Mysti Parker.  Spending some time and catching up with them was really great and they are all authors I really root for.

Training is going well, martial-arts wise, got to ride Freya some more (my bike), and have almost daily played the guitar.  One of the songs I'm learning is Judas Priest's Desert Plains, and I had a real epiphany of the full symbolism of that song in way that connects very strongly to my own world, and I plan to do a blog talking about that.  It covers some serious ground, so I have to get into the right zone to be able to get the words down, but hopefully I will in a day or two.


Anonymous said...

Always great to hang out with you and the gang. :) Let's do it again!

sgzimmer said...

@Mystiparker it was so awesome seeing you as well! :) Hope we can do it again soon, it was nice to spend time with all of you!
