Monday, January 18, 2010

New Crown of Vengeance Video Trailer

I am a bit behind on my blogging, but am getting untracked, and I will do a 2009 in review post shortly. I wanted to make sure that anyone taking the time to visit here was able to find the new video trailer for Crown of Vengeance. This is my first book trailer, produced by filmmaker Aaron Champion, to whom I am incredibly grateful. As mist is a major element in this kickoff to the Fires in Eden series, Aaron designed a very nice presentation that really showcases the illustrations included in the book (which were done by artist Matt Perry). Please visit the trailer, embed it, and let me know what you think of it!

I will have some more news posted shortly. In a nutshell, 2010 is going to be very, very busy, with appearances, the next books in my 2 series, and a return to filmmaking. There will even be some more editions of the 2 novels currently out, as a hardcover edition of The Exodus Gate should be out in February, along with Kindle and eBook editions of Crown of Vengeance. Be sure to check back!

1 comment:

Joel Gates said...

I like the trailer. The art looks really great.
